

This stepping onto our mat every day to practice is a serious endeavor.  We should not take it lightly. The task is an important one:  to transform ourselves.  Yoga is a path towards self-realization. 

Guru Pūrnima

Guru Pūrnima

Please take rest from practice on this powerful moon day.  The longest lunar eclipse of the century takes place on this day, coinciding with Guru Pūrnima, which is also said to commemorate the birth of Veda Vyasa, the sage who wrote the Mahabharata, Vedas and Puranas.

Having Reverence for Our Practice

Having Reverence for Our Practice

Yoga is powerful.  If you practice correctly you will have great success:  you may even develop siddhis, special powers.  In fact the third chapter, the Vibhūti Pada of the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali, are all about these siddhis which arise from sustained and focussed yoga practice.