Tapas: The Sacred Fire
The term tapas is mentioned repeatedly in the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali, particularly in the second chapter detailing the path of practice.

It feels fitting that this month (after Gurū Purnïma) that I remind you of what paramparā is and of what it means to commit to an Ashtanga Yoga practice.

Jyotish: Sunday June 4th, 2pm to 4pm
I am really excited to have Jesse Gordon, an expert in Vedic astrology as well as a long time Ashtanga Yoga practitioner, come to Ashtanga Yoga South Bay…

Ashtanga Breathing Technique Workshop
The 2 hour workshop investigates the importance of the bandhas and diaphragm in the specific breathing technique used in Ashtanga Yoga.

New Beginnings
Ashtanga Yoga South Bay returns to public in-person classes from next month in a beautiful spot in Manhattan Beach. We will be hosted by Yoga Loft MB