Ashtanga Yoga South Bay is temporarily suspending all classes with immediate effect.
LYFE is closing from tomorrow as well, so although I had already come to this difficult decision, we now have no choice.
Patanjali says that we can avoid future suffering. I have become convinced that the correct yogic action right now is to practice social distancing. We are not necessarily doing this for ourselves as individuals. We are doing this to protect the most vulnerable members of our community.
This does not mean that we stop practicing!
I have Zoom up and running and intend to hold classes there from tomorrow at 5.45am to 9.00am. So get up and join us! We will do Mysore-style as usual. I will chant the opening and closing mantras and keep a distant eye on you. On Friday we can do led together. If you are a member of our community I will send you an invitation to our “meeting” tomorrow morning to join. This allows us to practice remotely together and hopefully avoid procrastinating. Please contact me if you would like to be included.
I know things are feeling a bit frenzied and apocalyptic right now. This is the time to really test our tapas using wisdom and discrimination whilst we remain balanced, unwavering and steady in our practice. Yet that doesn’t mean we should ignore what is happening. The Bhagavad Gita teaches us that as yogis we are impelled to act. In fact, action is better than inaction. But let’s act wisely and unselfishly. Let’s not hoard, let’s share and be generous. Let’s practice social distancing as advised to flatten the curve of this pandemic, but with kindness, motivated by love for those around us. Certainly let’s not panic! It occurs to me that perhaps it is time for humanity to sit quietly, slow down and look within collectively. Hold your drsti and your breath there. After all, that’s the only place where we will find God.