Full Moon on Friday
Please take rest from practice on this powerful moon day. The longest lunar eclipse of the century takes place on this day, coinciding with Guru Pūrnima, which is also said to commemorate the birth of Veda Vyasa, the sage who wrote the Mahabharata, Vedas and Puranas. We also celebrate the birth of Sri. K. Pattabhi Jois, Guruji of Ashtānga Yoga. It is a truly significant occasion.

On this day we pay homage to our Guru, who removes the darkness of ignorance from us and leads us towards light. Finding your Guru is said to be the greatest blessing in this life.
The legacy of Guruji is the practice he has left us which Sharath continues in this paramaparā with great wisdom and humility. This paramparā is one of direct transmission. This is why it is so important to spend significant amounts of time in Mysore, India or at the very least practice with a teacher who has. Spending time in India near the Guru helps one to understand the subtleties of the practice and to have clear and lucid ‘viveka“, discrimination, around the teachings. Some things have to be experienced and cannot be taught. Also, we need to experience the Grace of the Guru and “shaktipat“.
We honour our Gurus by continuing to practice correctly with discipline, devotion, dedication and determination. In the Guru-Shisya tradition we thank our Gurus and receive their blessing on Guru Pūrnima, including our first Gurus, our parents. It is a day to reflect with gratitude on all those who have bestowed knowledge upon us.To find more info on the life of Pattabhi Jois, see: http://brooklynyogaclub.com/guruji-sharath-saraswati
New Article by Sharath

Hot off the press, an article written for Sharath about keeping the external world from interfering with your spiritual path
Next (New) Moon Day we will observe:
Friday August 10th
August Conference:
Sunday August 26th 12.30pm to 1.30pm
Congratulations to our newly wedded students, George & Bonnie
