Ashtanga Breathing Technique Workshop
with Andrew Hillam
Sunday March 26th, 2pm to 4pm
The 2 hour workshop investigates the importance of the bandhas and diaphragm in the specific breathing technique used in Ashtanga Yoga. When this technique is used the correct alignment flourishes from within resulting in perfection of each and every posture. We can call this an inside-out approach, natural and supportive of each individuals body type, rather than the other way around in which a preconceived notion of posture is imposed on the body from an external perspective.
Andrew’s dedicated study of Ashtanga Yoga began in 1994 while pursuing a degree in Music Performance at the University of Adelaide, South Australia. Since 2001 he has traveled yearly to Mysore, India, to study with Pattabhi Jois and Sharathji. He has been granted Advanced A Certification by Sharath and continues to return regularly to Mysore for further studies whenever possible. Andrew also continues to study Vedic chanting, yoga philosophy and Sanskrit sharing what he has learned with his students via online Yoga Sutras and Bhagavad Gita classes as well as interacting with students in class. Andrew is the Director of Jois Yoga and has been teaching the Mysore program there since its inception in August 2010.
Please email [email protected] to secure your spot and arrange advance payment.